Monday, September 29, 2008


I've done more weddings than this, but the majority have been quite large and hectic at the end with the girls getting their lipstick on right before running out the door. Usually a girl or two decide to get their make-up after watching my work, which only adds to the chaos. So, the pictures are definitely afterthoughts and they show. However, you can see the scope and quality of work, even if it is only a small portion of what I've done and in terrible lighting (usually!) Here are some of my bridal parties...

Photo Credits: Sheila Northcutt except for 'Hannah'. Top picture by Melody Rachunok and bottom photos by Ja Tecson.

Monday, September 08, 2008


This morning I was tired, so I decided to sleep in as late as possible before having to get up and be at church early to sing. Well, that left me with a dilemma: make-up or shower. Well, out of respect for my everyone else on the worship team, I opted to shower. Being a stay-at-home mom, I like to use every opportunity possible to wear fun make-up, so I still HAD to put on make-up. Well, rather than bring my extensive collection to church, I decided to pick out some things to apply once I got to church. Since I really had been wanting to do this deep smokey brown eye I saw a MAC artist sporting on my last journey to the Pro Store, I began to collect the necessary supplies.

"Ummmm... so Constructivist Paintpot, yes, Chocolate Brown Pigment, yes, or maybe Cocoa Beach Pigment - well, I'll bring both," I thought to myself. "Ooooh, Off the Radar Pigment too. That will be lovely. Or maybe I should use Heritage Rouge Pigment from the new Overrich Collection." tap, tap, tap... Well, I grabbed all the things I would need to do my look - including a Stila Palette that someone gave me recently. I took all these products downstairs and a bag to put everything in. I brought them to my travel kit that I left downstairs so I could grab my brushes and ran out the door.

After rehearsal, I went into the bathroom to start applying my make-up. Well, I realized while putting my make-up into my bag, I had left all my pigments on the table instead of placing them INTO the bag. Quel disaster!! Whatever was I to do? Well, I guess Stila it was!! I applied a lovely golden color called Summer and used Twig in the outer crease. Also in my purse, I found an eyeliner pencil I bought on Friday - it's the most amazing shade of a gel-like teal. Well, I needed color and that's all I had, so I decided to use it. I then packed on Boots Botanic Eye Colour in Angelica (which I also happened to throw into my bag).

This brings us to the reason for my post - a Review. My first on my blog, yay!

When I applied the Sephora Eyeliner, it went on so smoothly and creamy. It was a gorgeous deep teal blue color. When I packed the eyeshadow over, it became this beautiful turquoise blue color. My luck with private label brands has not been very successful, so I was skeptical but willing to give it a try since nothing else has worked for my extremely oily lids. Well, I applied the make-up at 8:15 am and checked again at 3:30 pm. I was amazed, because most pencil liners I've worn in the past that were smooth and creamy to apply usually would be about 1/2 an inch under my eye after that amount of time. This eyeliner combination looked exactly the same - without any sort of eye primer (which I didn't pack in my mad rush to church in the morning!). I'll continue to experiment with it, but so far this has been the single best pencil liner that I've tried!!

Where to buy: Sephora
Cost: $8